How to make a Pattern Editor – GeoGebra as an Example

Check out the new GeoGebra Google app. It has the exact functionality which the pattern editor should have: GeoGebra is dynamic mathematics software for education in secondary schools that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus. On the one hand, GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry system. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections …

Machine Knitting with Fabienne Serriere

Another video about machine knitting with brother machines with Fabienne Serriere from by Sam Muir in “Spring time” in Berlin 2012/13, which rather looks like winter though still 😉 Machine Knitting with FBZ: Part II – In Deep Knit from Sam Muirhead. This winter has been the longest and darkest in Berlin since 1951, so …

Amazing Knitting Machine Hack Glitch Knit by Japanese

I found an amazing Knitting Machine Hack and production system by some Japanese artists and developers online called Glitch Knit. The team brings together Nukeme, a hardware engineer Tomofumi YOSHIDA, the software engineer So KANNO and a supporting member Emi YAMAMOTO. The team uses a brother KH970 knitting machine, which was produced until 2005 and …

Electronic Textile Institute: Designer Maker Community in Berlin

I read about the people from the Electronic Textile Institute in Berlin already a while ago. I was excited to have the chance to meet Victoria Pawlik in the space in Berlin Wedding on Saturday together with Andre Rebentisch from the Berlin Startup community. Victoria Pawlik at Electronic Textile Institute ( The group working at …

Personal Manufacturing – Knitting Printer

Varvara Guljajeva and Mar Canet Sola gave a presentation about personal manufacturing and knitting, which they published on Slideshare. Development of Personal Manufacturing. Open Kitting Machine from Varvara Guljajeva Varvara Guljajeva is an artist working in the field of art and technology. Varvara has exhibited her art pieces in a number of international shows and …

Knitting Machine Creations by Fabienne Serriere

Sam Muirhead published a great video picturing Fabienne Serriere’s work with knitting machines. Fabienne’s Hacked Knitting Machine Creations! from Sam Muirhead on Vimeo. Once upon a time, there was a warm, fuzzy hack. It was 2010 – Becky Stern and Lada Ada (Limor Fried) built on Steve Conklin’s disk emulator and knitting machine resources to …

Brother KH-930 Knitting Machine Hacking and Knitting Tutorial

A video tutorial that was already published 2010 by Becky Stern gives a great overview of the proces to work with a hacked brother knitting machine KH-930e. The hack is based on the work of Steve Conklin and published on github here: The Brother KH-930e Knitting Machine can be controlled by Open Source software. …

Interview about lubuntu with Full Circle Podcast

The full circle magazine did an interview with me to learn more about the lubuntu project. Listen to the first part here. Full Circle Podcast #8: More Opinion Than You Can Handle  In this episode, Dave and Ed argue about evolution… of  Ubuntu One and Lubuntu. Opinion: Why we need Lubuntu Interview: Part I of …

lubuntu first alpha releases

lynxis published the first lubuntu test iso based on the seeds by David Sugar and additional patches. The first release was 381 MB and a second one only 292 MB. Following test images are also around this size. After crashing the c-base server several times with the lubuntu images, the LXDE team kindly offers the …